Academic Admin News


“After an intensive faculty search,” notes Dr. Colin Godwin, President of Carey Theological College, “I join with our Board to welcome our new faculty. They have demonstrated strong teaching abilities, intellectual rigour and, above all, a deep love for Christ and his church.”

With these appointments, beginning August 2020, Carey Theological College continues to strengthen its commitment to prepare men and women for Christian ministry in the church and in global mission.

Amy Chase has been appointed as Assistant Professor in Biblical Studies (with a focus in the Old Testament). Dr. Chase graduated with distinction from the Ph.D. program at Drew University and received the Rabbi Dr. Sheldon J. Weltman Prize for Excellence in Biblical Studies, awarded for the best dissertation in Biblical Studies. Dr. Chase traces her spiritual roots to the United Baptist Church of Newport, Rhode Island, where she was baptized. In addition to her church involvement, experience at Young Life camp was formative in her Christian journey. She graduated from Wheaton College where she majored in English Literature, afterwards earning the M.A. in Biblical Studies and Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. She served in a variety of Christian ministries at camps and local churches prior to feeling a call to teach.

Dr. Chase is passionate about bridging her academic research with her Christian identity and calling. Emerging from her experiences in Rwanda, her Ph.D. dissertation explores the potential of the two strong women in Proverbs 31 to create space for communal reflection on issues of survival. Dr. Chase’s teaching gift was affirmed by her colleagues at Drew: “Dr. Chase can be counted on to provide quality instruction, and creative approaches to her instruction, while creating a classroom environment that is supportive, engaging, and challenging.”  Dr. Chase has published in Hebrew Studies and Mutuality Magazine. Her teaching areas include different genres in the Old Testament, biblical Hebrew, exegetical skills and English in preparation for theological studies.

Wil Rogan has been appointed as Assistant Professor in Biblical Studies (with a focus in the New Testament). Prior to his Ph.D. studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, Rogan received his B.A. from University of California, Santa Cruz, and his M.A. from Talbot School of Theology. His dissertation is focussed on the Gospel of John and the Jewish concept of purity. Rogan is a pastoral and biblical theologian at heart, and brings his love for the church to the fore in the classroom and on the printed page. As his dissertation supervisor, noted New Testament scholar, Dr. Marianne Meye Thompson observed, “Wil’s tenure in our Ph.D. program has been lived out in the context of the church and ministry within it.”

Rogan has served as a member of the full-time pastoral staff at Grace Long Beach Church for the last 8 years. He has been responsible for a variety of ministries, including teaching, designing small group curriculum and working with college students. Daniel Long, lead pastor at Grace Long Beach, writes, “At the heart of Wil’s vocation, both pastorally and academically, is a love for God and people. Everything I’ve seen Wil do follows from a desire to see God’s people further the beauty of Jesus Christ and His love and commitment for the creation God is at work to reconcile through His life, death, and resurrection.” Rogan has published articles in New Testament Studies, Journal of Theological Interpretation and Currents in Biblical Research. His teaching areas include Bible foundations, biblical hermeneutics, various book studies in the New Testament and biblical Greek.

Ellis André rejoins the faculty as Professor of Practice. Dr. André received his D.Min. degree in Expository Preaching from Southern Theological Seminary, M.A. in Religious Studies from Cape Town University and B.Th. (Hons.) from the University of South Africa in Theology, Church History, and Biblical Studies. Dr. André brings extensive teaching, leadership and pastoral experience from Canada and South Africa. Consistently appreciated by Carey students who are preparing for pastoral ministry, Dr. André is known for his ability to integrate the study of the Bible, theology and history with the practical realities of pastoral service.

Rev. Fay Puddicombe, who served alongside Dr. André as Associate Pastor at White Rock Baptist Church, writes, “I had the privilege of working with Ellis for over ten years and was impressed by his extensive Biblical knowledge and understanding, which impacted his pastoral ministry in every way including his gifted preaching.  Students will see in him an example of how this knowledge and understanding will impact not only their ministry but their own personal spiritual formation and that of the lives they touch.” Dr. André has published a number of articles in The South African Baptist Journal of Theology. His teaching areas include pastoral studies, preaching, pastoral care, supervised ministry and mentorship

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