Jimmy Chan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. His main areas of research include Augustine’s theology of emotions and happiness, theological anthropology, Trinitarian theology, ecclesiology, as well as historical theology, Stoicism and Christianity, biblical theology, Christian ethics, and apologetics. As a pastor-theologian, he is interested in exploring the theological relevance and applications of patristics to the contemporary world and church.

He holds three different academic degrees from the University of British Columbia: B.A.Sc. (Chemical Engineering – Chem Hons), B.Sc. (Computer Science, Minor in Commerce), B.A. (Psychology) and a M.Sc. (Chemistry) from the University of Toronto. After working in the IT field for ten years, he followed God’s call to Hong Kong and completed an M.Div. and Th.M. at Alliance Bible Seminary, where he received another call from God to become a pastor-theologian to equip God’s kingdom workers with sound theological training.

He is the recipient of the 2021 Congress Graduate Merit Award from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences and several prestigious scholarships from his Trinity College, where he has been a teaching assistant in several courses, including Systematic Theology and Birth of Theology, and has twice offered his own course, Introduction to Augustine of Hippo. He has also taught “Church History III”, “Augustine – the Intergenerational Pastor-Theologian” and “Biblical Greek Primer” in Cantonese at the Alliance Bible Seminary Centre of Canada. He has also served as an online tutor for the Alliance Bible Seminary eCampus in Hong Kong.

He has also presented papers at a number of academic conferences, including the Canadian Society of Patristic Studies (CSPS), the North American Patristics Society (NAPS) (both of which he is a member of), international conferences held at McGill University, University of St Michael’s College in Toronto, Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China, Okayama University in Okayama, Japan, and the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth International Conferences on Patristic Studies in Oxford. He also presented papers in conferences at Aarhus University and Trinity Theological College in Singapore (just to name a few), and was one of the speakers in the opening session of the 2022 Annual Meeting of Asia Theological Association (ATA) Annual Meeting. Pastor Jimmy, as he is often called, shepherded young and working adults and taught Sunday school classes for more than a decade before taking up his new position as assistant professor at Carey, and continues to preach and teach in various churches in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary, while maintaining an active academic research and publication schedule. 

  • Ph.D., University of Toronto & Toronto School of Theology, 2023
  • Th.M., Alliance Bible Seminary, 2014
  • M.Div. (Theological Studies), Alliance Bible Seminary, 2011
  • M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry), University of Toronto, 1997
  • B.A. (Psychology), University of British Columbia, 1999
  • B.Sc. (Computer Science, Minor in Commerce), University of British Columbia, 1999
  • B.A.Sc. (Chemical Engineering-Chemistry Honours), University of British Columbia, 1995
  • Chan, Jimmy. Living a Happy Life in a Troubled World? A Critical Exploration of Augustine’s Christian Reception of Stoic Ethics in De civitate Dei. Studia Patristica Supplements. Vol. 14(?). Leuven: Peeters, 2024. (Forthcoming, 2024) 
  • Chan, Jimmy. “‘Dust As We Are’: Augustine’s Ethopoetic Call through Creation in the Confessions.” Special Issue in Studia Patristica. Papers presented at the IV International Patristic Conference held in Lublin 2022. Christians of the Patristic Period in Relation to Nature, ed. Markus Vinzent, October 18–20, 2022. Leuven: Peeters, 2024. (Forthcoming, 2024) 
  • Chan, Jimmy. “The Therapeutic Gospel for the Traumatic World. Stigmata Domini Iesu Christi in Corpore as the Crown of Victory.” Vox Patrum 90 (2024), 107-120. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.16899. 
  • Chan, Jimmy. “Seeing God Face to Face: Augustine’s Vision of the Spiritual Body in De Civitate Dei 22, 29..” In  I Volti Di Dio Nel Cristianesimo Antico. SECC. I-IX. XLIX Incontro di Studiosi dell’Antichità Cristiana (Roma, 11-13 maggio 2023), edited by Massimiliano Ghilardi, 367-376. Rome: Pontificium Instituttum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2024.     
  • Chan, Jimmy. “Living with Happiness in a Troubled World? A Critical Exploration of Augustine’s Reception of Stoic Emotions in De civitate Dei.” In Studia Patristica Vol. CXVIII: Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019. Vol. 15: Augustine and His Writings, ed. Markus Vinzent, 181–202. Leuven: Peeters, 2021. 
  • Chan, Jimmy. “Bienestar emocional en Agustín y el estoicismo.” Augustinus: revista trimestral publicada por los Padres Agustinos Recoletos 63, no. 250-251 (2018): 299–315. 
  • Chan, Jimmy. “The Restoration Word Group in De civitate Dei, Books XI-XXII: A Study of an Important Backbone of Augustine’s Theology of History.” In Studia Patristica XCVIII: Papers presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2015. Vol. 24: St Augustine and his Opponents, ed. Markius Vinzent, 561–568. Leuven: Peeters, 2017. 
  • Chan, Jimmy; Dupont, Anthony. “Restauratio in De ciuitate Dei. The Role of the Restoration Motif in Understanding Augustine’s Theology of History.” La Ciudad de Dios. Revista Agustiniana 229/1 (2016): 55–78. 
  • Routkevitch, Dmitri; Chan, Jimmy; Xu, J. M., Moskovits Martin, “Electrochem. Porous Anodic Alumina Templates for Advanced Nanofabrication”, Electrochem. Soc. Proc. Ser. 1997, PV 97-7, 350. 
  • Routkevitch, Dmitri; Chan, Jimmy; Davydov, Dmitri, Avrutsky, Ivan, Xu, J. M., Yacaman, M. J., Moskovits, Martin. “Electrochemical Fabrication of the Nano-Wire Arrays: Template, Materials and Applications.” MRS Proceedings. 1996, 451.