Academic Admin News

Partnership with Prairie College

Carey Theological College is excited to announce a partnership with Prairie College (in Three Hills, AB) to offer an Integrated Bachelor of Ministry + Master of Divinity. This is a unique initiative, being the first inter-colligate partnership of its kind in Canada, equips students interested in Christian ministry with foundation knowledge and practical training to serve the church and the world.


Colin Godwin, President of Carey Theological College, and Mark Maxwell, President of Prairie College, signing the integrated program partnership agreement on November 12, 2019. 

Dr. Colin Godwin, President of Carey, travelled to Prairie College and joined the student body at their weekly chapel time on November 12th. This was followed by an event to sign the partnership agreement and to answer questions regarding this new program. Dr. Godwin commented, “It’s exciting because we can elevate each of our strengths. We have so much in common…we both are passionate about sending out Christian workers.”

Students who enroll in this integrated program can complete their studies and receive their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in 5 years, the first three at Prairie and the remaining two at Carey, which cuts one year of study from each degree. Prairie College is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) and Carey Theological College is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS).

To find out more or to apply for this program, check out You can also contact our Student Life Office at

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