Carey Centre
Carey Centre
A Hospitable Home
Located at the heart of UBC, experience the scenic vistas of Vancouver’s west coast as a tranquil backdrop for your stay.
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無論是來溫哥華度假,或是舉辦會議、退修會、私人活動,Carey Centre 都能提供理想的空間,滿足您的需求。


For visitors vacationing Vancouver or guests wanting to host a conference, retreat, or private function, Carey Centre strives to provide the ideal space for whatever your needs.

在您住宿期間,Carey Centre 提供以下設備與服務供您使用:
咖啡 & 熱茶
可容納 60 人的會議空間



The 450 sq ft one bedroom suite has one separate bedroom with a queen bed, full kitchen, dining area and seating area with a double-size sofa bed.
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[One-bed Suite Description]
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.


研討室面積約 530 平方英尺,適合辦研討會和小型會議,可容納 15 至 20 人。提供免費無線網路、下拉式投影幕、黑板、白板,並可視需求提供智能電視和影音設備。可另提供餐飲服務。
南側教室面積約 550 平方英尺,空間明亮開闊,適合會議、小組討論、講座,可容納 15 至 24 人。提供免費無線網路、下拉式投影幕、長桌、黑板、白板。如有需求,亦可提供移動白板。可另提供餐飲服務。


The 550 sq ft South Classroom is a bright and open classroom ideally suited for meetings whether participants are taking notes, working on computers, engaged in discussion, or simply listening to a lecture. The South Classroom can accommodate up to 26 – 32 people. Catering available.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
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With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
Check Availability
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
Check Availability
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
為了您的方便著想,Carey Centre 提供 24 小時自助式入住與退房系統。

在您住宿當天,我們會通過電子郵件發送 4 位數的房間密碼供入房使用。

入住:3:00 PM
退房:11:00 AM

週一至週五:7:30 - 9:00(歐陸式早餐供應至 9:30)

接待櫃台營業時間:7:00 AM - 7:00 PM

如有非營業時間之緊急需求,請致電:+1 604-837-5920。

Carey Centre on UBC Campus

5920 Iona Drive
Vancouver BC V6T 1J6

電話: +1 604-225-5920



從溫哥華市中心有許多通往 UBC 的公車路線。您可以使用 TransLink 的 TripPlanner 或類似 Transit 的應用程式(適用於 iPhone 和 Android)來規劃行程或尋找公車站牌。
  • 快捷公車:#44
  • 普通公車:#4#14
所有公車的終點站都是 UBC ,距離 Carey Center 步行僅須 5 分鐘。


開車(約 30 分鐘)
  • 沿著 Grant McConachie Way 向東行駛
  • 跨越 Arthur Laing 大橋, 繼續沿著 Southwest Marine Drive 行駛
  • 靠右行駛上匝道,沿著 Granville Street/BC-99 的路標行駛,然後併入 SW Marine Drive
  • 向左轉,繼續沿著 Southwest Marine Drive 行駛
  • 繼續行駛, Southwest Marine Drive 將依次變更為 Northwest Marine DriveChancellor’s Boulevard
  • 向右轉,進入 Wesbrook Mall
  • 向右轉,進入 Iona Drive
停車資訊:Carey Center 設有停車場,車位有限,先抵達者可先登記。請在辦公時間內使用門口上的二維碼註冊,並至櫃台完成付款。

搭乘大眾運輸 (約 60 分鐘)

注意:從溫哥華國際機場沒有公車直達 UBC。
  • 從溫哥華國際機場,搭乘 Canada Line 天車(本站所有天車皆向北行駛)
  • 在以下任一車站轉乘公車前往 UBC:
  • Oakridge Station (41 Ave. & Cambie St.):搭乘 R4 公車
  • Broadway-City Hall Station (Broadway & Cambie St.):搭乘 #99 (B-Line) 公車
  • Olympic Village Station (4 Ave. & Cambie St.):搭乘 #84 公車
  • Langara-49th Ave Station (49 Ave. & Cambie St.):搭乘 #49 公車
抵達 UBC:以上所有公車的公點站均為 UBC,由終點站停車處步行至 Carey Center 僅需 5 分鐘。
住在 Carey Centre

準備好從加拿大最美麗的校園開始探索溫哥華了嗎?森林、山、海灘 —— 在這裡,我們都有。