在 Carey,我們秉持四個核心價值:聖經、耶穌、使命、教會。這四個核心價值是我們所做一切的根基,從線上學術課程到校園內的 UBC 基督徒宿舍,無一例外。
然而,我們無法靠自己達成以上目標。我們需要您的支持,幫助我們持續為學生提供優質且可負擔的神學教育。今天,我們誠摯邀請您伸出援手,讓我們能夠繼續進行這項意義深遠的工作。您的捐款將用來資助獎學金和學生資源,為未來牧者與領袖提供訓練,並支持 Carey 的整體使命。
At Carey, we are committed to four core values: the Bible, Jesus, Mission, and Church. These values shape all that we do, from our online academic programs to our onsite UBC Christian residence community and beyond.Carey Theological College is a unique and innovative institution, providing theological education to students from around the world. We are committed to preparing our students to be leaders in their local context, serving and ministering to the communities around them.But we can't do it alone. We need your support to continue to provide top-quality and affordable education to our students. We are asking for your support to help us continue this important work. Your gift will help fund scholarships and resources for students, provide pastoral and ministry leadership training for future leaders, and support the overall mission of Carey Theological College.Through your generosity, we can continue to train and equip the next generation of Christian leaders, empowering them to share the love of Jesus and serve their communities. Your gift will make a lasting impact, not just on the lives of our students, but on the lives of countless others through the ministry of our graduates.We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting our campaign to build a future generation of Christian leaders. Any contribution you can make, no matter how small, will go a long way in helping us reach our shared mission.
Carey Hall
5920 Iona Drive
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1J6
請將信用卡資訊或者捐款支票(抬頭請註明 Carey Hall)寄至我們的 Advancement Office(地址如上),或 givetocarey@carey-edu.ca
您可以透過設定預先授權扣款協議(pre-authorized debit)來捐款。完成後,請將文檔寄至 givetocarey@carey-edu.ca。收到後,我們的募款團隊會聯絡您處理後續事宜。
若您想透過電話以信用卡捐款,請致電 與我們的工作人員聯繫。所有收到的個人及財務資訊都將依照我們的 個人資訊保護政策,嚴格保密並謹慎處理。
Donations can be made by phone via credit card. Please call +1 604-225-5920 to speak with our Front Desk Staff.
All personal and financial information received, shall be strictly kept with utmost care and privacy in accordance with our Personal Information Protection Policy.
要開立繳稅用捐款收據,捐款金額最低為 20 加幣。如果每次捐款金額少於 20 加幣,但年度總捐款金額超過 20 加幣,您仍會收到捐款收據。
電話:+1 604-225-5920
奉獻和各項資金之使用僅限於 Carey 批准的計畫。奉獻者可指定將款項用於某特定計畫,而 Carey 應盡可能依照奉獻者的意願進行。但若該計畫已經完成,或無法在 Carey 認為合理的時間內完成,或因為任何因素無法繼續,則 Carey 有權將該款項全數或部分挪用於其他有需要的地方。
* 加拿大國稅局慈善機構註冊編號:118838432RT0001
Carey 已經取得加拿大基督教慈善理事會(CCCC)之認證,達到理事會在各方面之要求,包含基督教事工、勤勉治理、財政監督和財務透明、組織廉正以及合乎道德標準之籌款活動。