Association of Theological Schools Accreditation Visit
Carey Theological College is hosting a comprehensive evaluation visit for reaffirmation of accreditation by the ATS Commission on Accrediting on November 4-7, 2024. The purpose of this visit is to verify that the school meets all applicable Commission Standards of Accreditation. Comments regarding how well the school meets those standards and/or generally demonstrates educational quality may be sent to accrediting@ats.edu at least two weeks before the visit. Comments may also or instead be sent in writing to the Executive Assistant to the President, Sarah To, at sto@carey-edu.ca. All comments will be shared with the onsite evaluation committee.
Carey Theological College is a graduate theological college and holds a charter from the Province of British Columbia to grant graduate theological degrees.
克里威廉神學院亦獲北美神學教育院校協會之認證 (www.ats.edu)已獲認證之學位包括:
- 教牧學博士
- 道學碩士(全面線上授課)
- 教牧事工碩士(全面線上授課)
- 靈命塑造碩士
- 基督教事工碩士(全面線上授課)
北美神學教育院校協會認證委員會(Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada)
10 Summit Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 USA
Telephone: 412-788-6505
Fax: 412-788-6510